¿Qué es la dedicación de niños?

Los niños son un regalo de Dios y, como padres, la mayordomía de ese regalo conlleva gran alegría y responsabilidad. El papel central de Dios en las vidas de padres e hijos es esencial para crecer y establecer un hogar saludable e integral.
Creemos que las acciones de los padres al criar a sus hijos son de gran importancia para Dios. Como seguidores de Cristo, existe la responsabilidad de criar a los hijos de una manera que agrade al Señor.

Como padre cristiano, al dedicar un hijo al Señor, estás reconociendo tu necesidad de Dios en tu familia; invitar a Dios a ser activo en su vida familiar; someter sus propios deseos para su hijo a los deseos de Dios para él/ella; comprometerse a criar a su hijo a la manera de Dios.

¿Cómo celebramos la dedicación infantil?

Si deseas participar de esta ceremonia, llena el formulario a continuation y te responderemos en la brevedad posible.

What is child dedication?

Children are a gift from God, and as parents, stewardship of that gift brings great joy and responsibility. God's central role in the lives of parents and children is essential to growing and establishing a healthy, well-rounded home.
We believe that the actions of parents in raising their children are of great importance to God. As followers of Christ, there is a responsibility to raise children in a way that pleases the Lord.

As a Christian parent, by dedicating a child to the Lord, you are recognizing your need for God in your family; invite God to be active in his family life; submit your own desires for your child to God's desires for him/her; Commit to raising your child God's way.

How do we celebrate children's dedication?

In community. We are pleased to recognize each dedicated child in front of our entire community every third or fourth Sunday of the month. Each family has the opportunity to share a photo of their child's dedication, as well as the opportunity to stand and be recognized and prayed for in the gathering space.